Thursday, November 29, 2007 |
Head Louse Cure: What you Should Know |
Head lice are parasitic insects that attach themselves to the base of the hair follicles located on the scalp and neck of the human host. Head lice are a common occurrence especially amongst young children. The frequency of cases, found in children, is due to the fact that infected children infect other children through the use of shared hair brushes, combs and barrettes. Head lice are not peculiar to any ethnicity and as well it is not an indication of the personal hygiene of the family or child. There are many steps in providing a head louse cure. The first steps towards providing a head lice cure are in identifying whether a head lice problem exists, treating the head lice and treatment of other infected areas. Identifying a Head Louse Problem Generally, head lice affect grade school children. This occurs when one child is infected and shares their hairbrush, comb or other hair accessories with other children. When head lice are detected in a child at school, the school will send out a notice to the parents that they should check their children for head lice. Therefore, before providing a head louse cure, it is important that your child be examined to determine whether head lice are present. This can be done by a medical professional or by yourself as the parent or guardian. Symptoms of head lice may be indicated if your child scratches their head more than normal. Your child may be also extremely restless. In addition physical evidence of a possible head lice problem may be a black powder like substance that may appear on the neck and shoulders of your child as well as on their pillow. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Simon @ 5:26 AM  |
Sunday, November 25, 2007 |
What to use for Head Louse and Nit Removal |
Many people find themselves at a total loss when they discover lice in their hair. They are embarrassed, they are angry, and they are desperate to get rid of them as soon as possible. The fact still remains however that you have to fully determine that you actually do have head lice, as it can sometimes be confused with dandruff because the nits look the same, and so you will first have to determine the difference, and then come up with a treatment method. Use Neem When you Need Complete Head Louse and Nit Removal at Home Yes, it is possible to have a method of head louse and nit removal right in your own home. You will need just a bucket of water and a few twigs of Neem leaves; the Neem tree whose scientific name is, Azadirachta indica is an exceptionally medicinal tree, related in looks and behavior to mahogany. Boil the Neem leave in two liters of water reducing it to two-three cups, and then once it becomes a bit thickish, take it off the stove and leave it to cool. Then apply it on your head, and leave it on for a couple of hours. The lice will die and leave your hair, and then you can use a fine-tooth comb to go through the hair and get rid of the dead nits. The leaves of the Neem tree are excellent in regards to being able to fight against parasites, and hence, this can be used as a preventive as well. All you need to do is wash your hair with water in which Neem has been boiled, so that you are guaranteed not to catch any type of parasite, and then wash your hair as regular. Lice hate the Neem taste and smell, and do not come to hair which has been washed in that way. Neem and its leaves have excellent medicinal properties, and it has a lot more applications that fighting lice. Overall it is rather easy to see how you can have a form of head louse and nit removal at your home, and so you should absolutely get this form of head louse and nit removal for your home if you want the best possible option, or you can have someone else do the head louse and nit removal if you would rather. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Simon @ 10:32 PM  |
Thursday, November 22, 2007 |
Head Louse Eggs are Tougher to Get Rid of Than the Louse Itself |
There may be times when your kids come from school with a head full of lice. Many times these lice will spread like wild fire to all other members of the family. Unless you are aware of the fact, within no time the lice will lay eggs and the hair will be full of them, making it all that much harder to get rid of the infestation. A female louse can lay about 50 nits per day and they live approximately 30 days. So, you can imagine the amount of eggs that they can lay if they go unobserved for a few days. To effectively get rid of the infestation before it gets too bad, you’ll need to know the signs and symptoms. The symptoms of having lice are acute scratching, a sharp stinging feeling from time to time and a continuous feeling of movement in the hair. The Head Louse Egg is Pretty Lousy Once you find out that you are attacked by lice, you can adopt any means to kill them from among the many available chemical and herbal methods available. However, most of the lice-killing solutions do not penetrate everything, especially the head louse egg. So, it is advised to repeat the process of killing the lice at least once every seven days to ensure that the baby lice are killed as soon as they hatch. Another procedure to get rid of the head louse egg is to use a lice comb and to manually get rid of the eggs. If you think this is the end of the story, you can think again. The head louse egg or the nits whether dead or alive will remain attached to the hair. When they hatch, they will be dark brown in color and hard to find and this is why using the comb is very important. The lice are easy to get rid off; however the head louse egg situation is another story. In order to get rid of them these have to be picked out individually from the hair. This is not only time consuming, it is also very traumatic because it pulls at the hair while doing so. It takes a very long time to clear the hair in this way and since there is no other way, it is also very frustrating. It’s also not fool proof, so don’t be surprised if it doesn’t work the first try. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Simon @ 7:20 PM  |
Monday, November 19, 2007 |
The Parasitic Head Louse |
Head louse is a small parasite, with the scientific name of Pediculus humanus capitisI, commonly found in hair of the head of humans and some other animals. It is specially adapted to living in hair on human head and neck. Head louse is different from pubic louse (living in pubic hair) and body louse (living in other body parts except head and pubic regions). Body Structure In its body structure, an adult head louse closely resembles a tiny ant. Like other arthropod animals (insects, crabs etc.) its body consists of a head, a thorax, and abdomen. It is tan to grayish white in color and has six legs. Life of a Head Louse Female head lice lay eggs, called nits, in the hair about a couple of centimeters above the scalp. The eggs are light in color, usually white or grayish white, and hatch in seven to nine days. Some eggs that dry out and die appear darker in shade. Once the female starts laying eggs, it continually lays three to seven eggs daily for about a month. Three stages come in the life of a head louse: nit, nymph, and adult. Nits are firmly sticking to the hair shaft and are not seen easily. Nymph, or the baby louse that hatches from the nit, is identical to the adult form of the louse except that it is tiny in size. It grows to become an adult louse in a week. The nymph feeds on human blood sucked from the skin of the scalp. Female lice are usually larger than males. All head lice are dependent on blood as food. If they fall off their host onto dead surrounding (not on another person), they die in a few days. Also, they would lay eggs on materials resembling the texture of human hair, i.e. synthetic hair of toy animals etc. Contagious Mode of Living Head louse is a highly contagious parasite. It rapidly spreads from one host to another especially in ideal situations like group settings in schools, child-care centers, sports etc. Head lice are wingless and cannot fly or jump from one person to another but they have an exceptional natural adaptation of crawling and clinging to hair and similar structures. Head to head contact is their main source of spreading. But they also spread through sharing of household items like combs, hats, clothing etc. People who have close physical contact and generous sharing of such items are more apt to catching head lice, especially children and teenagers. However, pets do not catch and pass them on to humans. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Simon @ 6:59 PM  |
Sunday, November 18, 2007 |
How to Properly Check for Head Louse |
Head lice is a serious issue, one that needs to be taken properly and appropriately into consideration; if you or someone in your family has head lice, or if you have children period, then something that you will want and certainly need to do is learn how to check for head louse, so that you will be able to tell whether the person has lice or not. How to Check for Head Louse If you are wondering about how to check for head louse, then you should at least relax because it really is not all that hard of a process. The most important thing to realize is that nits, which are the eggs of the lice, look a lot like dandruff, and so if it appears that your child has dandruff then you will even more so want and need to make extra sure that it is in fact dandruff and not head lice. If you are going to check for head louse then the first thing you are going to want to do is sit your child down and use a comb to look through the hair; in order to properly diagnose a case of head lice, you need to find live lice, and on average – it should be known – children with head lice will usually have no more than 10 to 20 live lice; they move fast, and they are only about the size of a sesame seed and so they can thus be incredibly hard to find. As well if you are going to check for head louse you need to know that the places you will need to look most carefully are spots such as close to the scalp, behind the ears, the back of the neck, and the very top of the head. If you notice lice, then the next thing that you will want to do is go into your doctor so that you can come to a conclusion as to what the next best thing would be to do; you are going to have to find a treatment method so that you can get rid of the lice, and so you are thus going to decide on whether you want to use a more modern treatment method or a natural or alternative one. The options are endless, and this is good because head lice is a truly frustrating, irritating, and embarrassing thing. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Simon @ 7:53 PM  |
Saturday, November 17, 2007 |
You Can Cure Head Louse Naturally – Try These Remedies at Home |
Head lice is considered as being a major problem in the world today, and although it tends to affect children more than anything, men and women can both suffer from it as well. Children tend to get it more often because they are at school and this is where a problem like this begins and spreads, however the children can then end up taking it home where it can transfer to other members of the family. If you are affected by head lice somehow and are wondering what treatment methods are available, then you should know that you are able to cure head louse naturally, and so you do not necessarily need to go out and purchase the more orthodox methods. What You Can Do To Cure Head Louse Naturally at Home Prevention is the best method. This is a wonderful saying which absolutely needs to be taken seriously into consideration, as it is better to prevent the lice infestation in the first place rather than having to find a way to get rid of them afterwards. There are excellent preventives that are available on the market, but there is also the option of using the cure head louse naturally method. Some say pine tree oil is one option that you can use. It is recommended you take some pine tree oil and apply it to the head carefully, and then leave it overnight under a scarf or shower cap. Wash your hair thoroughly the next morning, as this may cure head louse naturally. As well, you may want to use hot water and strong soap before shampooing, since the oil will be difficult to get rid off. Lice breed well in humid climates where people sweat a lot and they prefer to live on scalps or hair which is almost always damp with sweat. Lice do not like clean, dry and sun-kissed hair. Therefore, maintaining excellent hair hygiene coupled with sunning yourself may allow you to be able to cure head louse naturally. Use commercially available shampoos – there a number of shampoos in the market which are extremely effective in killing the lice. Though this method is not one to cure head louse naturally, it is a sure-fire way of prevention in most cases. If you are amongst those who do not have much time to use home-made cures, you may use modern methods that cure head louse, though these are usually chemical based. Depending on how much you are convinced on the efficiency of the natural ways and their benefits for removing the lice from your hair, you may like to choose one which is most convenient for you. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Simon @ 2:27 PM  |
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 |
The Importance of the Head Louse Comb in Preventing Lice Infestation |
When someone is under attack by head lice, the person is usually desperate to get rid of the pests by any means possible and available. There are many proven medicines, including home-made remedies and there are lice removing tools to choose from as well. Many times, people try each of these methods in isolation, and the results tend to not really be great. So, it’s recommended to use more than one method in breaking the head lice cycle in your hair and your home. What are the Best Methods Used to Get Rid of These Parasites? There are many ways to get rid of the lice. Modern science has brought about a number of highly efficient shampoos which will help you rid of these lice in a few minutes flat. However, you will need to know that killing the lice from your head does not mean that you are or you will be free of lice completely. Just because you shampoo with special head lice solution, doesn’t mean you’re getting all of the lice. It’s just as important to use a head louse comb on every inch of your hair, to ensure not only all the head lice have died, but the lice eggs have been removed. Just like fleas on pets, if the eggs aren’t removed, they’ll eventually hatch and start the cycle all over again. Sure, you may enjoy 3 to 4 days of lice free hair, but they’ll start to become evident soon there after. This is why using a head louse comb is critical in getting rid of the lice completely. You should use a head louse comb no matter what form of treatment you decide to use on your hair. Some people say using a combination of mayonnaise and lemon to marinate in your hair will take care of the problem, nothing else is necessary. This isn’t the case, as it still will not get rid of the eggs. On top of washing your hair with the correct solution and using a head louse comb to ensure the lice don’t come back, you’ll want to make sure you wash all bedding in your room, including pillows and cases and any throw blankets you may have laying around. You’ll also want to cleanse your couch and other sitting areas that could have attracted the head lice while you were sitting there. These are other things that can cause head lice to return if not properly treated. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Simon @ 10:07 PM  |
What to do When you Find out That you are Infected with Head Lice |
Head lice are considered as being a problem that can cause terrible embarrassment to anyone who gets it. The moment you find that your hair is infested with head lice, you will be obsessed with the thought of how to get rid of these terrible parasites. After all, they are disgusting, irritating, and embarrassing. The good news is they are not so hard to get rid of and fortunately, there are a lot of ways to rid you of this problem. Head lice are extremely small, in fact they are smaller than ants. They have six legs which are attached to the front of their body. They embed their head into your scalp and their only food is human blood. Contain the Situation The first thing you should do is work to prevent its spread to other members of the family. Head lice can easily spread to other members of your family. Immediately isolate your comb and other hair products from the rest of your family members, as this will help contain the infestation and spread to the rest of the household. It is recommended to sterilize any combs, brushes or other hair products. As well, wash the infested individuals pillow cases and bed sheets. If one of your children has head lice you certainly do not want the rest of your children, partner, or yourself getting it as well because this will just intensify the situation. Then you need to apply an anti-lice solution to kill the parasites. There are many home-made remedies that are available that are made to kill head lice. One such method which is extremely efficient, and which can be applied at home with the least of inconvenience is the use of olive oil. There are many other oils as well however, such as pine oil, eucalyptus oil and so on. The most common and recommended solution to eliminate head lice is to use medicated shampoos available at your local market or pharmacy. Most of them work wonderfully, have a slight perfume and leaves your hair pretty smooth and nice. Some head lice removal kits include a fine comb to remove any remaining lice or nits that attach to you your hair or scalp. To make sure you free yourself of head lice permanently, follow all instructions included with the medicated shampoo. Lice Information and Remedies for the Bedroom
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posted by Simon @ 1:03 AM  |
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