Many people find themselves at a total loss when they discover lice in their hair. They are embarrassed, they are angry, and they are desperate to get rid of them as soon as possible. The fact still remains however that you have to fully determine that you actually do have head lice, as it can sometimes be confused with dandruff because the nits look the same, and so you will first have to determine the difference, and then come up with a treatment method.
Use Neem When you Need Complete Head Louse and Nit Removal at Home
Yes, it is possible to have a method of head louse and nit removal right in your own home. You will need just a bucket of water and a few twigs of Neem leaves; the Neem tree whose scientific name is, Azadirachta indica is an exceptionally medicinal tree, related in looks and behavior to mahogany.
Boil the Neem leave in two liters of water reducing it to two-three cups, and then once it becomes a bit thickish, take it off the stove and leave it to cool. Then apply it on your head, and leave it on for a couple of hours. The lice will die and leave your hair, and then you can use a fine-tooth comb to go through the hair and get rid of the dead nits.
The leaves of the Neem tree are excellent in regards to being able to fight against parasites, and hence, this can be used as a preventive as well. All you need to do is wash your hair with water in which Neem has been boiled, so that you are guaranteed not to catch any type of parasite, and then wash your hair as regular. Lice hate the Neem taste and smell, and do not come to hair which has been washed in that way.
Neem and its leaves have excellent medicinal properties, and it has a lot more applications that fighting lice. Overall it is rather easy to see how you can have a form of head louse and nit removal at your home, and so you should absolutely get this form of head louse and nit removal for your home if you want the best possible option, or you can have someone else do the head louse and nit removal if you would rather.
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